

I'm KryptoPayPal. Let's cashout some PayPal accounts!


Have a question? You may find the answer here.

  • Can you give me a quick summary of what is being offered here?

    The premise is simple.

    You purchase an account on the Accounts page with your selected cryptocurrency.

    You wait.

    You get the account balance back in that same cryptocurrency.

  • OK, is this a scam?

    That is up to you to decide. If you believe it is, then it is best that you pursue other financial opportunities.

  • Who are you exactly?

    Just an average Darknet user, like yourself, with a disdain for PayPal and all their shady and immoral business practices.

  • What makes your service different from others I may find on the Darknet?

    I only specialize in PayPal account cashouts.

    You will also find a wider selection of accounts with lower price points.

    Lastly, the entire purchase process on this website is automated -- no back-and-forth emails to figure out the details. An email address is not even required to make a purchase here, protecting your anonymity if so required.

  • Where do these accounts come from?

    Some are from a growing botnet that is established. Others come from various Darknet market vendors and people I have come to know over the years.

  • What method do you use to cashout the accounts?

    Sorry. Can't tell you that.

    It is something you can learn, though, with time, patience and determination. Darknet markets have vendors that sell all the tools you will need. There are also great forums out there that can get you started on the right path.

    Dirty transfers. Middleman accounts. Payment gateways. Bank drops. The right combination can go a long way if not many people know the specifics. That, and methods get burned and change quite often.

  • Why do I need to pay you upfront? Why not take the amount I owe you out of the final cashout amount and send me the rest?

    It doesn't work like that. This isn't a cryptocurrency faucet. As with any service, you need to invest first to get your desired outcome.

    Furthermore, accounts and tools eventually need to be replenished over time, and that takes funds -- funds that come from purchases made on this website.

  • Why don't you just keep these accounts for yourself?

    I do reserve and cashout some of the higher balance accounts that are acquired for myself.

  • Can you explain the purchase rate system that is implemented?

    Instead of a flat purchase rate, a custom purchase rate is used to calculate the purchase price for each account relative to its current balance. Starting from a base purchase rate, the purchase rate is lowered by discount points for every $100.00 in balance until the lower limit is realized. (if there was no lower limit, super-high balance accounts would basically be free).

    What does this mean for you? The higher the account balance, the more the discount on the purchase price, and the better the deal for you. Here is an example.

    Let us assume you are purchasing an account with a balance of $2000.00. Base purchase rate is 25.00%, lower limited at 15.00%, with 0.50 discount points for every $100.00 in balance.

    With a fixed purchase rate of 25.00%, the purchase price for this account would normally be $500.00. Most vendors you will find use a fixed rate for their services.

    Here, with custom purchase rates, the purchase rate (calculated respective to the account balance of $2000.00) is 15.00%. The purchase price? $300.00 -- that is $200.00 less than vendors using fixed rates.

  • Why are your prices so high? Other vendors I have seen are much less expensive!

    On the surface, they may seem higher. Be advised, though, that all you get with some vendors is the PayPal account info (login and password) and access to a location-matched SOCKS5 proxy for the price you pay.

    If a cashout service is offered, the fee for that service is usually in-addition to the price you paid for the account.

    Here, everything is included in one price -- the price you see.

  • I am not interested in the cashout service. Can I just purchase the account info?

    No. If that is something you are interested in, I would suggest visiting the other various Darknet markets or PayPal vendors that offer that option.

  • Will you cashout an account that I already have or purchased from a Darknet market or other vendor?


  • What is a lost account?

    The botnet will typically check account balances everyday. Occasionally, the real account holder will log into their account and either change their password or other information, withdraw their balance or close the account. When this happens, the account may not be accessible afterwards and is considered lost.

  • What payment methods do you accept?

    Currently Bitcoin and Monero. Other cryptocurrency may be added in the future.

  • Bitcoin? Monero? Huh? Where do I start?

    Start with Bitcoin. The best place to start is here. You will need a wallet and an exchange to purchase them from.

  • How do you handle cryptocurrency price fluctuations?

    When purchasing an account, the website will lock the balance and purchase price at a certain point during the process. Surpluses and deficits resulting in price fluctuations are handled on this end and are factored into the price you pay.

  • Are the coins tumbled before they are sent to my wallet?

    Yes. The fee that tumbler services charge for doing this is included in the purchase price.

  • What is the turnaround time?

    3-5 days, on average.

  • Is there a limit on the number of times I can use your service.


  • Is there a limit on the number of accounts I can purchase?


  • Are you actually a platypus?
